PPG F580/2080 Green Epoxy Primer Base 5Lt Can *BS2X33B:1998 *IPS 04-04-001-04
F580-2-80 is a 2 component, stronium chromate based epoxy primer which exhibits possesses excellent adhesion characteristics.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1263 CL3
- Commodity Code 32081090
- Country of Origin France
Data Sheets
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PPGF580-2080 can be applied to suitably pre-treated aluminium alloys and is specifically designed for the long term corrosion protection of aircraft structural components, including fuel tanks.
The product exhibits excellent chemical resistance and flexibility and as such is suitable for use as an internal structural primer (including fuel tank areas) as well as an external aircraft primer. F580-2080 is also used as the base primer within the Selectively Strippable System.
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Suitable as an internal structural primer
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