3M Scotch-Weld EC-3917 Structural Adhesive Primer 3.78Lt Can (Freezer Storage -18°C)
3M Scotch-Weld Structural Adhesive Primer EC-3917 is a primer for 3M Scotch-Weld epoxy based film adhesives.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1263 CL3
- Commodity Code 38249996
- Country of Origin United States
Data Sheets
Download the 3M Scotch-Weld EC-3917 Structural Adhesive Primer 3.78Lt Can (Freezer Storage -18°C) technical data sheet (TDS) and the 3M Scotch-Weld EC-3917 Structural Adhesive Primer 3.78Lt Can (Freezer Storage -18°C) safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
3M Scotch-Weld Structural Adhesive Primer EC-3917 is a primer for 3M Scotch-Weld epoxy based film adhesives.
- Insures complete wetting of the adhesive to the adherends
- Improves durability of bonded joint
- Protects cleaned surfaces
- Can be brushed or sprayed
- Can be used as a corrosion resistant coating
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