PPG 0735/9000 Activator 200ml Can *ASNA 4249B
PPG Activator 0735 is for use with 5467/0000 Pore Filler PU 66. Supplied in a200ml Can
Technical Information
- Commodity Code 32081090
- Country of Origin United Kingdom
Data Sheets
Download the PPG 0735/9000 Activator 200ml Can technical data sheet (TDS) and the PPG 0735/9000 Activator 200ml Can safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
PPG Activator 0735 is for use with 5467/0000. When mixed it creates a polyurethane, sandable pore filler for aerospace application. 5467/0000 is designed to fill pores in composite without leaving additional films on the substrate.
- Excellent flexibility & hardness
- Low density
- Resistant to hydraulic fluids
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