Loctite SF 7200 Gasket Remover 400ml Can
LOCTITE SF 7200 is designed to aid removal of cured chemical gaskets by softening the gasket material on the flanges, eliminating excessive scraping.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1950 CL2.1
- Commodity Code 38140090
- Country of Origin Netherlands
Data Sheets
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Once applied, the product develops a foam-like layer on the gasket, preventing it from running off the desired location, thus allowing it to work for the required duration.
Features of SF 7200:
- Easy application from an aerosol can
- Will not run, even on vertical surfaces
- Does not contain CFC
- Include removal of all types of chemical gaskets from metal flanges.
- It is particularly suitable for removing gaskets from aluminum or other soft metal flanges where excessive scraping could easily lead to flange surface damage
- It may also be used to aid removal of adhesives, baked-on grease or oil, built-up carbon deposits, dried oils, paint, varnish, etc. from metal flanges or surfaces.
NSN - 6850-99-225-6907
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