Arrow C076 ECAD Environmental Cleaner and Degreaser 20Lt Drum
Arrow C076 ECAD Environmental Cleaner and Degreaser It is a versatile environmental cleaner and degreaser suitable for offshore and onshore applications.
Technical Information
- Código del producto 34029090
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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It is a versatile environmental cleaner and degreaser designed to meet rigorous environmental standards for offshore topside applications. Its non-caustic formula is suitable for various surfaces and materials, including sensitive ones like aluminium and zinc plate. The product offers extensive applications as a degreaser and cleaner for onshore production and maintenance. It ensures minimal impact on the aquatic environment and is ideal for use in pressure washers due to its low odour and water-soluble formulation. Highly concentrated, it boasts excellent dilution rates, resulting in cost-effective usage. Furthermore, it provides rapid and efficient removal of heavy oils, greases, salt, bird droppings, and grime.
Shipping information
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